[D.A.N.C.E. Model] Pandemic Parenting 

Heal your hurting child for as little as $1.00.
COVID-19 has plummeted us parents into an unknown world that is changing by the hour. We are doing our best to grieve, plan, change and adapt. 

The reality is that our kids do not have the emotional and psychological tools to cope with this unprecedented historical moment. They are being crushed by a lack of structure, fear of the virus, social isolation, grief and loss.

Trauma Based Christian Parenting has spent the last 20 years developing The D.A.N.C.E Model that directly speaks to how to engage your child in their tantrums, struggles and fear.  I've revitalized the model into a brand new Pandemic Parenting Master Class to help you heal in this moment of crisis and equip you to bring peace to their specific pandemic related behavioral issues.

What does D.A.N.C.E stand for?
  • DECISION – Decide to see the situation  and your child differently.
  • ​ACCEPTANCE – Accept that what your child is doing is their best attempt to deal with what is going on inside of them right now in light of COVID-19. 
  • ​NON-JUDGEMENTAL – Remove the feeling of judgment from the interaction.
  • CURIOSITY – Help your child become reflective in a non-threatening way .
  • EMPATHY – Communicate with the part of your child’s brain that is triggering their reaction and behaviors .
On the next page you'll  get to see our Pandemic Parenting Master Class Introduction and decide if you'd like to pick up the 8-Module  Pandemic Parenting Online Master Class  for as little as $1. 
*This is 100% FREE training, no credit card required.
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