Heal Your Hurting Child Without Becoming a Psychologist
D.A.N.C.E. Model Class 
Get Your Trauma Based Christian Parenting D.a.N.C.E. Model Class For  as little as $10!
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""For seven years , we have seen traumatic stress counselors , psychiatrists, family therapists and group therapists, without success. In the beginning of April 2014 , I sought parenting strategies at Grace Wellness Center for my adoptive teenage daughter who has RAD. The strategies and encouragement have been exactly what my husband and I needed . The coaching and time spent learning how to deal with ongoing situations has yielded great benefits for our family . I would encourage any parent especially parents of children with RAD to give this avenue a serious try. " "
- Dana C.
“This works ridiculously well!!”
-Dr. Jim Lentz

Thank you for facilitating the My Kids boot camp. It was pivotal for us in learning how to effectively parent our RAD daughter. What a difference it has made for our whole family . Frankly , it has helped us across the board in our marriage, friendships, family relationships, and professional relationships. We would highly recommend this "boot camp" for parents who are challenged in raising attachment disorder children . Honestly , we are filled with hope and promise now more than ever!
- JD and SD


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